Hi, Orchid,
Oracle DBMS vs AWS RDS Oracle, It is slightly different how to manage.
AWS RDS can't handling the DBMS system files and configuration files of DBMS.
So, AWS prepared already option configurations how to change DBMS options.
Today, I will try to upgrade RDS Oracle 11 to RDS Oracle 19 with minimizing downtime.
The overall flow goes like this.
step 1. Check the version of RDS DB Engine step 2. Take snapshot backup of RDS Oracle 11 step 3. Build new RDS Oracle 11 using Snapshot step 4. Prepare option set for RDS Oracle 19 step 5. Upgrade to Oracle 19 |
Now, let's follow the flow.
step 1. Check the version of RDS DB Engine
You can see the version of RDS DB Engine in the "Configuration" Tab.
step 2. Take snapshot backup of RDS Oracle 11
Select "(1) Action - (2) Take snapshot"
Enter "(1) Snapshot name" you choose and clieck and run "(2) Take Snapshot".
The processing time is different for each data capacity, generally takes about 15 ~20 minutes or more.
After then, you can see the new snapshot image in the "(1) Snapshot" menu.
step 3. Build new RDS Oracle 11 using Snapshot
"(1) Select your snapshot name" and do "(2) Action - Restore snapshot".
And then,
(1) Select profer Engine and License.
(2) Enter new "DB Instance identifier".
This is the unique key that identifies a DB Instance. This parameter isn't case sensitive.
Enter "Initial database name' in the Additionan configuration area.
And the rest of the setting values use default values.
After then click and Run "Restore DB Instance".
It also takes about 15 ~20 minutes or more.
After then, you can see the new Database in the "Database" menu.
step 4. Prepare option set for RDS Oracle 19
Before the upgrade, it is better to prepare option sets for RDS Oracle 19.
Because options and parameter groups used in lower versions may cause compatibility
problems in newer versions.
#First , Parameter groups.
In the "(1) Parameter groups" menu, "(2) Create Parameter group",
and Select "(3) Parameter group family" - "oracle-se2-19".
- I chose 'oracle second edition'.
- oracle version 19 currently only supports
"oracle-ee-19 (enterprise edition)" and "oracle-se2-19 (second edition 2)".
enter "(4) Group name" you choose, and "(5) Create".
The parameter group is created immediately.
After then, you can change config parameters you need.
For example, I'm using version 11 of sqlclient in the PC, so I've changed sqlclient support version.
If you do not change this, you can not access DB using sql-client.
In the "newver-param-group-19",
click "(1) Edit parameters" and search "(2) sqlnet.allowed".
And next, "(3) change version numbers" and click "(4) Save changes".
#Second , Option groups.
RDS will use GMT-0 timezone as default.
You have to create group first and change to you time-zone, if you need.
In the "(1) Option groups" menu, click "(2) Create group".
And, enter "(3) name and (4) Description", and select "(5) Engine and (6) version",
and then click "(7) Create".
And next, click the name of option group, and "Add option"
Select (1) option name "time-zone" and chose your (2) time-zone name.
(3) Apply changes immediately or wait until the next scheduled maintenance window.
Note: Any subsequent Option Group modifications where Apply Immediately is checked
will cause any prior queued modifications to also apply immediately.
(4) click "Add option" and click again.
Now, you are ready to upgrade.
step 5. Upgrade to Oracle 19
You can upgrade in the Modify menu.
You can be specified your options in the Modify menu.
Change "DB engine version",
Select "DB parameter group" and "Option group".
And the rest options can change if you need.
Here is full options for DB modify.
OK, now it's your turn.
Good luck.
#RDS #upgrade #version #oracle11to19
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